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The Quacking Family

We have gorgeous Khaki Campbell ducks, Cherry Valley and Call ducks. We hatch some ourselfes which you can see in the pictures below. The Campbells and the Valleys are very good layers and will pretty much lay all year round. They all have different amazing personalities. 


These are our Cherr valley that we hatched in 2017


This is one of Cherry valley that we hatched all grown up now. She is the one in the middle twisting her head to the side.

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This is Jan. Our only pure white call duck. He is actually a male but with a female name as we thought he was a she. He arrived to us in 2016 with his girlfriend Ann, unfortunately Ann passed away in 2017 so Kelly had to take her role. As you can see she absolutely adores him.

RIP Jan 22/01/2021 You will be trully missed our baby boy

These are our other call ducks


These white ducks are our Cherry valley and the brown ducks are our Khaki campbells.


All ducks have highly waterproof feathers as a result of an intricate feather structure and a waxy coating that is spread on each feather while preening. A duck's feathers are so waterproof that even when the duck dives underwater, its downy under layer of feathers right next to the skin will stay completely dry. 

Most male ducks are silent and very few ducks actually "quack." Instead, their calls may include squeaks, grunts, groans, chirps, whistles, brays and growls. Females can also make a wide range of different noises, and they are usually more vocal than males.

Check out some interesting facts below about duck.

Male ducks have an eclipse plumage similar to females that they wear after the breeding season for about a month as their new feathers grow. During that month, they are completely flightless and more vulnerable to predators. At this time, many male ducks stay in isolated, remote areas or flock together for protection in numbers.

K&G's Pet House

Bracklesham Lane 


Brackleham Bay 


West sussex

PO20 7JE

01243 513403

©2014 by K & G's Pet House

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